The invisible macro transcriber constraint

Disclaimer: this post is rather small. I don't have time to expand further. Introduction I always described macro rules as a bunch of "tokens to tokens" functions. For instance, rustdoc generates the following documentation for anyhow! macro: //…

My favorite compiler is a memory hog

Alternative title: why my program needs 1267650600228229401496703205376 gigabytes of RAM to (fail to) compile Alternative2 title: Boring Coworker? Make Their Laptop Unresponsive For Fun And Profit Alternative3 title: why recursion limit is not enough Alternative4 title: recursion…

Support for the ClickHouse database in Tremor

This article was originally posted on Tremor's blog. Introduction I'm Sasha, a Computer Science student living in south-eastern France. I contributed to Tremor as part of the Database Connector mentorship proposed by the LFX Mentorship Program for Spring 2022. I was mentored by…

A better cargo-readme - Issue 0: Humble Beginning

Introduction I'm bad at writing READMEs for my Rust crates. Most of the time, I use cargo-readme. This program reads my code, extracts its crate-level documentation, and generates a cute README file, which will be displayed on Let's consider the following small Rust …

About Me

Hi there! I am Sasha Pourcelot (she/her pronouns). I'm a CS student at Polytech Nice Sophia, France. I enjoy programming in Rust and cooking pizzas. My GitHub handle is @scrabsha. You can also find me on twitter at @scrabsha too. Finally, you can send me a mail at sasha.pourcelot…